Macrina Widerkehr:
"My reflections and prayers have grown out of daily listening to God in the changing seasons of my spiritual life... I am God's story told in the changing colours of autumn, winter, spring and summer."
Spiritual Direction is the ancient practice of sacred conversation. Together we explore the experiences that form you, and seek God’s presence in those places. We ask, “Where am I being invited into a deeper connection with myself and with Divine Love?”
You desire a spirituality that feels rich and full and authentic to who you are and the season of life you are in right now.
You are tired of a faith that tries to fit you into a one-size-fits-all box, that discourages questions and doubts, and seems mainly focused on behaviour control.
Your faith has been shifting and it feels scary to step beyond the boundaries of the faith you inherited, but you know there’s no going back.
You want a spirituality that is both deeply rooted in ancient wisdom, and creative enough to speak to today’s big challenges.
You desire a deep connection with God but have been conditioned to mistrust your own desires, inner voice and your experience of the Divine.

It is my delight and honour to journey with you as you connect with God and your deepest Self.
I act as a companion on your journey, coming alongside you as you explore your own soul’s landscape.
My support allows you to bring the faith you have known and explore beyond its parameters, to trust and own your own experience of the Divine in your life.
Please note, I don't currently have availability for new ongoing 1:1 online directees.
Here are some other ways you can work with me...

For those living in or near Copenhagen, I offer spiritual direction in English from my home on Amager or as a walking conversation.
This is maybe brand new to you. I understand how scary it can be to voice some of the fears, doubts and desires that dwell within you. I also know how hard it can be to trust that another person can offer a safe, non-judgemental space.
Spiritual direction is not about fixing you. It is not about the kind of accountability that requires an external person or power to keep you toeing the line. It is not about looking for fast changes (although they may sometimes occur).
Spiritual direction is a soul friendship, a slow unfolding of your deepest truth, a sacred listening to your own truest self and to the way your spirit connects with God’s Spirit. I do very little directing. Instead, my desire is to help you become more attentive to the direction of the Spirit in your life.
Because the Divine is present in every part of our lives, you are welcome to bring any part of your life that you would like to share - relationships, memories, conflicts, work, identity. I trust that God is present in it all, however messy, unfinished or shameful it might feel.
Our sessions together are all about you, and I will use all my intuition, training and experience to help you awaken to the presence of God in your life. That might look like:
- Open questions to help you explore things from new angles and dig beneath the surface.
- Moments of silence and stillness to allow new truths to rise.
- Engaging with poetry and holy scriptures in imaginative and creative ways.
- Exploring ancient and new spiritual practices and pathways.
- Holding space for emotions to be expressed as they need to (tears and swear words are good)
I currently offer spiritual direction sessions online. I also offer in-person sessions in Copenhagen, either in a fixed location or as walking spiritual direction.
Schedule a free 30 minute exploratory call. I’ll tell you about spiritual direction, how I practice it and a little about myself. I’ll ask you a little about yourself and what is stirring within you right now that led you to explore spiritual direction.
I encourage you to take some time to consider it after the call (you may be talking to a few spiritual directors which is absolutely fine) and then let me know either way whether you would like to begin working together.
I will send you my Spiritual Direction Agreement which simply sets out the parameters of what I do and don’t offer, and how we will work together. We will also agree how much you want to pay for each session within my sliding scale.
We’ll schedule a first session together, and from then we’ll usually meet monthly, unless there is a good reason to chose a different rhythm.
We begin to journey together!
Spiritual direction is an open-ended relationship. We continue together, usually in a monthly rhythm, for as long as the practice and relationship is serving you. You can choose to end the relationship whenever you like: you are not tied in to any period and I will not make you feel bad or guilty for stopping.

I grew up in a Christian home where I experienced God’s love and delight for myself, and where my questions and wonderings were also always welcomed.
My church involvement has included liturgical, charismatic and house churches, and I embrace and love aspects of many church traditions. But when I discovered the rich contemplative and mystic tradition within Christianity, I knew I’d found my spiritual home.
I began receiving spiritual direction after my daughter was born, and it became a transformative and vital part of my own spiritual journey.
A good Spiritual Director is able to hold sacred non-judgemental space for the Directee to explore, question and wonder. I recognised those same qualities in myself and became convinced that Spiritual Direction is a practice that could benefit many people as they seek to experience Divine Love in their everyday lives.
I trained as a Spiritual Director through the three-year Encounter formation programme run by the London Centre for Spiritual Direction, and have been offering companioning since 2018. I am now the Year Three Lead Tutor on that course ("Encountering the Other").
I am a member of the Community of Spiritual Directors at LCSD and abide by their Code of Conduct. I am also a member of Spiritual Directors International. I receive regular Supervision and take part in specialised Safeguarding training and ongoing professional development.
People seek me out from many different places on their spiritual journey.
I offer Spiritual Direction within the expansive Christian tradition. My own faith background is broad, with experience within Anglican, Evangelical and Charismatic traditions. I am happy to meet adult women or men, of any age.
If you are a spiritual seeker, or have a Christian background but would no longer describe yourself that way, I would be very willing to meet with you. I am particularly keen to offer a safe space to people experiencing a faith shift or deconstruction.
I am LGBTQ+ affirming. I am a feminist. I am actively working towards anti-racism in my life and work.
I offer Spiritual Direction online, using the Zoom platform. I am happy to meet with people from any location, provided the timing works. My availability is currently 9:00-15:00 CET on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
I also offer in-person spiritual direction in Copenhagen, either in a fixed location or as walking spiritual direction.
I offer a sliding scale of £50-80 per session. You are welcome to choose any amount within that bracket that works for you.
The cost in Danish kroner is a sliding scale of 450-700 kr, and can be paid by MobilePay.
Generally we meet once a month, but other rhythms are also possible - it depends on your personal circumstances and needs. Each session lasts one hour.

If you are interested in exploring spiritual direction with me, there are a number of paths open to explore: pilgrimage companioning, sacred letters, group spiritual direction (through my Faith Shift programme) or 1-2-1 spiritual direction in person in Copenhagen.
If you have questions about any of these offerings, you're welcome to contact me using the form below.
Don't hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in exploring Spiritual Direction, or would like to connect on any of my other offerings.